Friday, August 23, 2013

NCBC Ethicist Reflects on His Recently Published Work: "Personalist Bioethics"

In February, The National Catholic Bioethics Center proudly announced the release of its newest publication: Elio Cardinal Sgreccia's monumental work, the Manuale di bioetica, under the English title, Personalist Bioethics: Foundations and Applications. Three years of labor reached fruition in this first English-language translation of Cardinal Sgreccia's landmark bioethical treatise, and it is one of the NCBC's most popular publications to date.

After taking some time to breathe since the project's publication, the translator of this seminal book, NCBC Staff Ethicist John A. Di Camillo, returned to the work and collected some of his thoughts on it. He has put these reflections to paper with a few words about the book itself, including two powerful excerpts, about how he became involved with its translation, and about what he discovered throughout the joyful, trying, and magnificently rewarding task of bringing the Manuale di bioetica to the English-speaking world.

From the start of his reflection, John states that:

" The gap between the often reductive world of the sciences, which I eagerly dissected, and the expansive and nostalgic world of Italian language, culture, literature, and history, which I dearly loved, threatened to one day expand and consume the one or the other. The void seemed unbridgeable."
Read on to find out how he bridged the void and how his work on Sgreccia synthesized his two worlds.

Read the full piece HERE.

Happy Friday!

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